MagLev ToLstoi

Head builder of Gorean, and brother to Timojin, and Saar rah. A man of honor, who will do what he feels is nessessary to accomplish the ends he sees as needed. Once of the warriors, he still is known to wear crimson with the azure he now wears with such pride. His love for his slaves has no bounds, and any that attempt to defile them will answer for their choices. A man to be reckoned with, and not to be underesitmated. Born Oct-14-1967 (Urth reckoning) in San Deigo, CA. This man has
traveled the Urth in his duty to the United States of America. Finallt settling back down in rural Oregon, he found his way to Gor, and has never looked back. He gained citizenship of the homestone of Gorean on April 1st 2000, since then he has been blessed with many friends, a great familiy, and three lovely kajira
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